Comparative evidence


• Hitt. marra-, marri- 'melt', 'dissolve', 'stew' (EDHIL: 558). Both Kloekorst (EDHIL: 558) and Puhvel (HED 6: 63f.) reject Oettinger's (1979: 279ff.) connection of marra- with Skt. mrṇāti 'crush'.


EDHIL = Kloekhorst, A. 2008. Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Brill.
HED = Puhvel, J. 1984 - . Hittite Etymological Dictionary. Mouton.
Oettinger 1979 = Oettinger, N. 1979. Die Stammbildung des hethitischen Verbums. Hans Carl.