Comparative evidence

gʰers, gʷʰers

• OInd. hṛṣ- 'be excited' (Whitney 1885: 208);'be impatient', 'rejoice' (in the prospect of), 'be anxious' (for), 'be impatient' (for); 'speak falsely', 'affirm falsely', 'lie'; 'thrill with rapture', 'rejoice', 'exult, 'be glad', 'be pleased'; 'become sexually excited'; 'become erect', 'become stiff', 'become rigid', 'bristle' (said of the hairs of the body), 'become on edge' (like the teeth) (MW: 1303)


MW = Monier-Williams, M. 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Clarendon Press.
Whitney 1885 = Whitney W. D. 1885. The roots, verb forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit grammar. Leipzig.