Comparative evidence


• OInd. yuj- 'join' (Whitney 1885: 132); 'yoke', 'fasten', 'harness' (horses or a chariot); 'make ready', 'prepare', 'arrange', 'fit out', 'set to work', 'use', 'employ', 'apply'; 'equip' (an army); 'offer', 'perform' (prayers, a sacrifice); 'put on' (arrows on a bow-string); 'fix in', 'insert', 'inject' (semen); 'appoint' (to), 'charge', 'intrust' (with); 'command', 'enjoin'; 'turn', 'direct', 'fix', 'concentrate' (the mind, thoughts); 'be absorbed in meditation'; 'recollect', 'recall'; 'bring together'; 'confer', 'bestow'; 'furnish', 'endow' (with); 'join one's self' (to); (in astron.) 'come into union' (with) (MW: 853)


MW = Monier-Williams, M. 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Clarendon Press.
Whitney 1885 = Whitney W. D. 1885. The roots, verb forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit grammar. Leipzig.