Comparative evidence

kʷremh₁, kʷremh₂, kʷremh₃, kremh₁, kremh₂, kremh₃, kʷlemh₁, kʷlemh₂, kʷlemh₃, klemh₁, klemh₂, klemh₃

• OInd. kram- 'stride' (Whitney 1885: 25); 'step', 'walk', 'go', 'approach'; 'ask for assistance'; 'climb' (as on a tree's branch); 'stretch' (over), 'project' (over), 'tower' (above); 'take possession' (of); 'undertake', 'strive' (after), 'make effort' (for); 'proceed well', 'advance', 'make progress', 'gain a footing', 'succeed', 'have effect'; 'be appliable', 'be practicable' (MW: 319)


MW = Monier-Williams, M. 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Clarendon Press.
Whitney 1885 = Whitney W. D. 1885. The roots, verb forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit grammar. Leipzig.