Comparative evidence


• OInd. śri-/śr̥- 'resort' (Whitney 1885: 179); 'cause to lean', 'cause to rest' (on), 'lay on', 'lay in', 'fix on', 'fasten' (to), 'direct towards', 'turn towards', 'spread', 'diffuse' (light or radiance or beauty); 'lean' (on), 'rest' (on), 'recline' (against), 'cling' (to), 'be supported', 'be fixed', 'depend' (on), 'abide' (in or on); 'go' (to), 'approach', 'resort', 'have recourse' (to) (for help or refuge), 'tend' (towards); 'go' (into), 'enter', 'fall to the lot', 'take possession' (of); 'attain', 'undergo', 'get into' (any state or condition); 'assume'; 'show', 'betray' (heroism); 'honour', 'worship' (MW: 1098)


MW = Monier-Williams, M. 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Clarendon Press.
Whitney 1885 = Whitney W. D. 1885. The roots, verb forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. A supplement to his Sanskrit grammar. Leipzig.